Strong producer in protected cultivation.

Outdoor cultivation with plenty of know-how.

Gemüsering Group

Better. Together.

Interaction and diversity is what sets us apart: Our specialists from the most diverse segments of the fresh produce world enable us to work together to make things happen. Innovative, dynamic and based on partnership, we create ideas and solutions in the Gemüsering Group. Our team works in partnership to unite the interplay between cultivation and marketing - for the food retail trade as well as for the diverse landscape in the catering industry.

Own production

Freshness and quality are the cornerstones of our daily work. Our product range stretches from tomatoes to salads, carrots, cabbage, chicory, herbs, mushrooms, berries and many other products that we grow on our own premises.

Rückenansicht eines Erzeugers für regionales Obst und Gemüse, der durch ein grünes Gemüsefeld geht.


In Germany and Europe, our production partners guarantee the year-round supply of locally produced, high-quality and fresh fruit and vegetables. We attach great importance to close and trusting cooperation as well as long-term partnerships.


Our marketing and service companies cover the entire spectrum of the vegetable and fruit trade. We design regional concepts in close collaboration with retailers and producers – on a national level, if desired.

Food service

We deliver fruit and vegetables wherever many people come together with the desire to purchase fresh food. This includes the care sector, airports, canteens, cruise ships, system and community catering, as well as the catering sector in general.

Partners by nature

This is the motto that guides how we work and act: "Whether from our own facilities or grown by our production partners, product quality, freshness and product safety are very important to us. That is why we also love to create regional concepts and partnerships. Trusting, sustainable and reliable collaboration with one another, with our customers and with all of our other partners is the natural seed of our culture."

Own production




From the Gemüsering Group


The Gemüsering supports its producers and growers in establishing flowering areas to protect and preserve biodiversity and species diversity. Starting with 14.3 ha of flowering areas in Germany in 2018, the promotion of flowering areas was expanded to 103 ha in Germany and Europe in 2024. The aim is to reach 200 ha by 2030.

From the Gemüsering Group


Growing lettuce on a hydroponic farm means regional, long-lasting premium salads all year round. This resource-sparing horticultural process avoids soil contamination completely while greatly reducing the use of pesticides as well as saving 70% in water when compared with outdoor cultivation methods. It’s an idea that is quickly becoming reality: In collaboration with Elisabeth Graaff from Rheinlandkräuter, we will start producing hydroponic lettuce in our new greenhouse complex in the winter of 2022.

From the Gemüsering Group


By the end of 2024, a 170-hectare blueberry plantation plus in-house packing and refrigeration station will be built in Tulbagh, South Africa. Gemüsering is investing in this business idea alongside our Munich-based berry specialists Widmann and our partners in South Africa. The first 150,000 blueberry plants have been planted and are bearing fruit; blueberries can now be offered all year round. At the same time, the partners commit to sustainable cultivation methods that use fewer resources and create new opportunities in the region.

From the Gemüsering Group


With the addition of the herb production companies Brandenburg Kräuter, Spreewald Kräuter and Franken Kräuter, we’ve further strengthened our competencies in herb cultivation and created the conditions for a regional concept for our core products. As a leading provider in the cultivation and distribution of fresh herbs, we are now in a position to deliver around 2 million potted herbs and 1,428 tonnes of cut herbs (27 varieties) from in-house production facilities in Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria every year. The next step in our planning is to extend the season in protected cultivation in order to have access to locally grown herbs for even longer each year.


Gemüsering Stuttgart GmbH
Langwiesenweg 30 (Großmarkt)
70327 Stuttgart

Tel.  (+49) 711 / 16865 0
Fax  (+49) 711 / 16865 99


Contact person